that was crown heights back then that was that was what it was like it's weird because brooklyn's
changing all of brooklyn is changing there's in brooklyn now there's a store that just sells
mayonnaise like that's it just mayonnaise nothing else but mayonnaise which i am convinced it is a
front for the mob i've called the fbi multiple times they've just said hey thanks for the mayonnaise
it is probably the most cartoonish stereotypical image of gentrification
i have ever seen like it is downright racist to white people
like oh it's your neighborhood now you'd love a mayonnaise store
sometimes i want to hang outside of there with just like some fried chicken and some watermelon
just wait for people to come out and just be like i dare you to say something
brooklyn's changing crown heights is changing like there are restaurants popping up in crown
heights it's not the same crown heights where my grandmother lived there there are nice restaurants
there's wine bars all that type of * i wouldn't be surprised if by the end of the month crown
heights had its own restaurant
lululemon which i don't know what language that word is
but i'm fairly certain that it just translates out to and gentrification complete
and there was a time you judged the safety of a neighborhood
by how close you were to like a police station or a fire department
now all you gotta do is just figure out where's the closest lululemon
and like an ironically named dog grooming
you know what i mean
you know what i mean
something like pup pup in a way
oh there you got both of those oh great i could just walk around with money in my teeth
wearing a hat made of kindles
it's changing though brooklyn's changing where i live