Honey honey, how he thrills me, a-ha, honey honey. Honey honey, nearly kills me, a-ha, honey honey I've heard about him before. I wanted to know some more And now I know what they mean, he's a love
Honey honey, how you thrill me, ah-hah, honey honey. Honey honey, nearly kill me, ah-hah, honey honey. I'd heard about you before. I wanted to know some more. And now I know what they mean, you're a
Get my honey come back, sometimes. I wanna rap like that, sometimes. I get a hump in my back, sometimes. I'm going over here, sometimes Get my honey come back, sometimes. I wanna rap like that
em thôi . vậy mà nhiều khi xa cách . cớ sao anh luôn nghi ngờ . Nhớ lắm honey . em nhớ thương anh vô cùng . Hãy đến bên em, xóa tan đi bao hờn ghen . Hãy nắm tay nhau trên phố đông vui tiếng cười
Kiss me, honey, honey, kiss me. Thrill me, honey, honey, thrill me. Don't care even if I blow my top. But, honey, honey, don't stop. I'd like to play a little game with you. A little game
, mwah. Ideas, my dear, that's my technique, all mine. Pretty girls to the floor. Chorus Beyoncé. Get your money, money, cunty, hunty. Don't be funny with my money, honey. Don't my girls look so yummy
one thing I know, I love you for sure. I don't understand why you treat me so bad Honey, yeah, yeah, yeah. Honey baby. Honey. Why do I love you so much?. Honey. Why do I love you so much?. Tell
tiHoney. arMariah Carey #1''s. alButterfly. Honey you can have me. When you want me. If you simply ask me to be there. And your the only one who. Makes me come running. Cause what you got is far
tiHoney. arMariah Carey #1''s. alButterfly. Honey you can have me. When you want me. If you simply ask me to be there. And your the only one who. Makes me come running. Cause what you got is far
White honey, get it from the candy man. White honey yeah, any time I think I can You wake up early in the morning. A playing on the clarinet. Whole town down when the man comes around. And no one
Bài hát Honey Honey - Johnny Reid. I've been buzzin'. around all week. Workin' like a busy bee. Tryin' to make. loose ends meet. it's sure a heavy load. But at the end of every day. you know what I'm