. Out of the bottomless pit. Comes the little horn Little horn is born. Little horn is born. Little horn is born. Little horn is born The world spreads its legs for another star. World shows its face
. Out of the bottomless pit. Comes the little horn Little horn is born. Little horn is born. Little horn is born. Little horn is born The world spreads its legs for another star. World shows its face
. Như Ryco so dope. tụi này làm mày ngợp thở bởi Chopper phổi cần oxy vô hô hấp. Tao RoboChop. . Verse 2 Mega Aces. Đám chúng mày không biết được đâu. Khiến bọn bây văng óc mỗi khi tăng tốc và tiếp lượt
the dick. Out of the bottomless pit comes the little horn. . "little horn is born". . Chorus. The world spreads it's legs for another star. World shows it's face for another scar. . Dead will
horn Make like a Mister Mumbles and you're a zero. Make like a Mister Big, they dig a hero. You've got to sound your A, the day you're born. I tell ya, chum, it's time to come blow your horn The
In the dark of deepest night. There comes a haunting sigh. Floating down from somewhere on high,. Oh, what a lonely lullaby. You'll hear a symphony in blue. When ever boy meets horn,. You'll