Bài hát Thằng Hầu - Nhật Phong. Tôi sinh ra trong gia đình . Làm hầu thiên hạ . Luôn tha hương đi muôn phương . Làm việc trong nhà . Cơ duyên đưa chúng tôi đến với một nơi xa lạ . Nơi có nàng . Tiêu
Verse 1 Claire Ridgely. I've always been afraid . My best years have passed. They say the good ol days. Well they never last. I've been running into you in my head. In-between, what could of been. Ya
should end it all. But I got a new solution. I got a new solution. Ch. I'm gonna pick up some beer, and stay at home. And stare at my Claire Danes Poster. V2. Sometimes, my stomach hurts. Early in