The sky was dark, the wind was high, and bitter looked the day
when ten stout boats with gallant crews set sail from Dundrum Cay.
A fish sure is dangerous, likely, but now they've left their home
upon a wild and deep blue sea.
A winter's night to roam.
And as they've come,
they've heard it from the shore from those they love so dear.
Each man stood up and wove his hands and gave a lofty cheer.
A cheer was answered from the shore.
A cheer was answered from the shore.
By many a wife and child with all praised hands,
pray God to save them from the water wild.
Oh, many a look those fishers took to see if help was not
Though we're too far off, the storm increased.
All human help was by.
Boat after boat had sank and swum beneath that big green wave.
And seventy-two fine fishermen,
the men to a watery grave.
Newcastle town is one long street entirely stripped of men.
And near to it a village small had lost no less than a man.
And ten in and along a widown.
Three sons from her were torn.
So widows, orphans and sweethearts may now weep in deep mourn.
And all you now weep in deep mourn.
And all you now that sing this song give a pity and a sigh.
And think of those poor fishermen who were doomed that night to die.