Now we've got a lot of things, a lot of racism in the world right now
Whose more racist? Black people or white people?
Black people.... You know why? Cause we hate black people too
Everything white people don't like about black people
Black people really don't like about black people
There some *** goin on with black people right now
There's like a civil war goin on with black people
And there two sides....
There's black people, and there's niggas
And niggas have got to go
Everytime black people wanna have a good time
Ignorant ass nigga *** it up
Can't do ***, can't do ***, without some ignorant ass nigga ***in it up
Can't do nothin
Can't keep a disco open more than 3 weeks
Grand opening, grand closing
Can't go to a movie the first week it comes out
Why cause niggas are shooting at the screen
What kind of ignorant *** is that
Hay this is a good movie, this is so good I gotta bust a cap in here
Hay I love black people, but I hate niggas boy, boy I hate niggas
Boy I wish they'd let me join the Klu Klux Klan
*** I'd do a drive-by from here to Brooklyn
I'm tired of niggas man
You can't have *** when you around niggas