Rattatatta-ratta-dutta Circus Thet-that-ta-da-da-da-da Afro Circus Afro Circus Afro B Everyone B,N,T,A,P,B,N,T,A,P,B,N,T I like do moment, Moment I like do moment, Moment I like do moment, Moment Do like do Move it, move it, move it, move it me-me-me-me Al La Fire Me-me-me-me-with Me-me-me-me-with Movie Women are nice and Yet they're thick Circus A, Afro Circus Afro Women are nice contains Tanda nice hip Bokara Bogara Bokara Afro Woman are nice and Yet they're thick Big ship on the Ocean let the weght tightening Women are nice contains Tanda nice hip Make man trip and Buzz them RIP Women are nice and Yet they thick Big ship on the Ocean let the weight tightening OH! I like do moment, Moment I like do moment, Moment I like do moment, Moment YES! I like do moment, Moment He like do moment, Moment He like do moment, Moment You like do MOMENT 3 2 1