Me and R.J. and the kids was on a camp out in the mountains and we had us one of themU-Drive Marmy Jeep cars, which we'd rent it from a fella by the name of Cubosky for 30bucks a day.Buy your gas along the way, take a rapid split, and leave a pint of blood for a deposit.And he explained it all to us, how we was supposed to get a Telluride, which is 50 milesaway by way of the regular highway.However, there was a shortcut, but unless we had drove the Black Bear Road before, we'dbetter be off to stay in bed to sleep late.Pay no attention to the guitar there.Well, we took off in the highway and we come upon a sign that says, Black Bear Road.You don't have to be crazy to drive this road, but it helps.I says, R.J., this must be the shortcut road Cubosky's talking about.She didn't pay no mind, because she was making peanut butter sandwiches for the kids in theback seat, throwing rocks and drinking Kool-Aid and playing count the license plates.But they wasn't having too much fun counting the license plate or cars, because there weren'tno other cars.We went about a mile and a half, about four hours, busted off the right front fender,tore a hole in the oil pan on a rock as big as a hall closet, went over a bump, spilledthe Kool-Aid, and Roy G. stuck his Polo knife right through the convertible top, and thedog threw up all over the back seat.Peanut butter don't agree with me, see?So we had to stop, take off the top, and air everything out and clean it up.The dog run off, and R.J. says she felt her asthma coming on.I was sitting there wondering what to do, when the entire scenic San Juan U-Drive MarmyJeep car sank in the mud at 13,000 feet above sea level.Well, we shoveled it out and ate our lunch.The dog made a yellow hole in the snow, and Roy Gene got out his Instamatic and took asnapshot of it.Mary Elizabeth drew a picture of the road.It looked like a whole bunch of Z's and W's all strung together.And R.J. took one look at it and said the only way that that Jeep car is going downthat road is over her dead body.Then a rock slipped off in front of the wheel, and the U-Drive Marmy Jeep car went rightover the edge of a cliff.Yahoo!Doggone it, Roy Gene, how many times do I have to explain it to you?When I tell you to put a rock under the wheel, I mean a rock.Now look at that, what you'd have to go bigger to grapefruit.