I found out for a natural fact. What you hand you don’t always get back. Well now before I turn my feet. From that lonely dead end street. They call one way love, a one way love. I got gryped but
"Drop On Me". That's one hard word too many, you better let me back. I'd be gone already if could stand to see you cry. But what kind of a fool would I be? To let your tears get the drop on me. He
Heartbreak, you always know it when you get it. Heartbreak, alway takes you another one with it When two lovers must divide. there's pain on either sid. anyone can tell you that it's true. 'cause
Minute by minute. I m making my way to you. Every minute, it s you I m a closer to. Ain t no worry cause the time s my friend. I ll get there in the end. Oho, till I get to you. Here I come baby
They say the heart won't grieve what the eye can't see. But you never can deceive a memory. They say that out of sight is out of mind. But since you've gone I might go out of mine. But just how lo
Oh I can’t stand to leave that girl alone. And if I explained it till the cows came home. You’ll never understand how I feel inside. Oh so you better get her off my back. Let the monkey ride. Oh