See the, the pot call the kettle black. And the man upon the monkey's back. Craziest thing that I ever heard. Testing cosmetics upon their fur Who knows what tomorrow brings in a world where the.
I swear I feel the spirit every time you I look at you. 'Cause I know that God is moving in my life. There's a certain type of healing every time you look at me. And I know the feelings neither wro
Do you know what you're doing?. Do you know who you're screwing?. Baby don't you play yourself and think. Your time alone will bring my loving heart to shame There's a choice, there's a choice you
Head, shoulders, knees and toes. Lips, my eyes, my mouth, my nose. They all go against what. Society calls beautiful I'm left handed in my right mind. I'm pleasantly plump a phat dime. Black as n
, de. Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, de Driving down the highway. Roberta, Donnie Hathaway, yeah yeah. Playing on the airwaves. As we're making our way. We pull up to a red light. Check the mirror for
Welcome to the colored section. Welcome to the negro league. Sign your name on the black list and know this. It's American history See what it is to be blackmailed. (Blackmailed). See a real live
Well, I know this girl named Bonita. She's what all the boys call the freaka. If you don't wanna get fired. Don't you put no swine on her plate Well I know this dude from the Islands. He want boom