The rusted chains of prison moons. Are shattered by the sun. I walk a road, horizons change. The tournament's begun. The purple piper plays his tune. The choir softly sing. Three lullabies in an ancie
Cat's foot iron claw. Neurosurgeons scream for more. At paranoia's poison door. Twenty first century schizoid man. Blood rack barbed wire. Politicians' funeral pyre. Innocents raped with napalm fire.
The wall on which the prophets wrote. Is cracking at the seams. Upon the instruments of death. The sunlight brightly gleams. When every man is torn apart. With nightmares and with dreams. Will no one
Lady Supermarket with an apple in her basket. Knocks in the manager's door. Grooming to the muzak from a speaker in shoe rack. Lays out her goods on the floor. Everything she's chosen is conveniently