Comin' down the mountain, one of many children. Everybody has their own opinion. Everybody has their own opinion. Holding it back hurts so bad. Jumping out of my flesh and I said Cash in! Cash in
Jane says, I'm done with Sergio. He treat me like a rag doll. She hides the television. Says, I don't owe him nothin'. But if he come back again. Tell him wait right here for me. Or try again to
I've been caught stealing once when I was five. I enjoy stealing, it's just as simple as that. Well it's just a simple fact. When I want something, man, I don't wanna pay for it I walk right throug
Here we go, no. No one. No one. No no. Stop now and go Don't save the complaints. For a party conversation. The world is loaded. It's lit to pop and nobody is gonna stop No one. No one. No wa
Way down low where the streets are littered. I find my fun with the freaks and the niggers. I don't want much, man, give me a little. I'm gonna take my chances if I get 'em I love them whores, they
If I were you. I'd better watch out. When was the last time. You did anything. Not for me. Or anyone else Just because. Just because Yeah. Oh, you really should have known. hey you. You reall
I am skin and bones, I am pointy nose. But it motherfuckin' makes me try. Makes me try, and that ain't no wrong. I'll tell you why, there ain't no right There ain't no wrong now, ain't no right. T
Wish I was ocean size. They cannot move you. And no one tries. No one pulls you. Out from your hole. Like a tooth aching a jawbone I was made with a heart of stone. To be broken. With one hard