One sad and lonely boy. Who could not fill the void. In his hollow and empty chest. His head is such a mess. She can never find the time. To try and clear his mind. It's as cloudy as the sky. W
The clouds settle on the city. To canopy for movie scenes. A backdrop full of hope and dreams The harder they try, the further they fall. They're learning their lines and waiting for calls. To be
I lost myself again today. I'm not sure if I care. There's always someone standing in my way. As they stop, as they stop and stare Stop dragging my life around. Stop talking behind my back. I los
It was the middle of the night. When I heard you took your life. You were slowly changing, slowly changing. To black and white In the middle of the night. Our clock was stopped in time. You were
This tragedy is such a masterpiece. We set the table and we watch them feast. On the blood and the tears, they drain from the years. From the work of the young, young pioneers Let's go down togethe
The places I remember are getting worn and withered. My heart's the picket fences and needs a little mending. Am I not everything you thought I should be? The faces in the picture are burnt just lik
I'm so over being sick. I'm so sick of this relationship. Go get a doctor and an ambulance. I need your kiss it's the medicine. It get's me moving going back and forth. Everybody *** a map and he