Al travolo di un bar. deserto come me. tra polvere che sa. di birra e di caff?. un'altra identit?. je garde mon secret. la Carmen che c'e in me. . L'amour est un oiseau rebelle. que nul ne
Habanera De Carmen - Nana Mouskouri. . G. Bizet - Arrgt A. Goraguer/H. Meilhac/L. Halйvy. . L'amour est un oiseau rebelle. . Que nul ne peut apprivoiser. . Et c'est bien en vain qu'on
(Dolly Parton) Last night you called me Barbara. As you lay fast asleep. And although I'm not Barbara. You wanted me to be. You whispered words I haven't heard. In such a long, long time. Last
(Dolly Parton) Last night you called me Barbara. As you lay fast asleep. And although I'm not Barbara. You wanted me to be. You whispered words I haven't heard. In such a long, long time. Last
Un beau jour, ou peut-кtre une nuit, prиs d'un lac je m'йtais endormie. Quand soudain, semblant crever le ciel. Et venant de nulle part, surgit un aigle noir. Lentement, les ailes dйployйes, lentem
leave you this way. You couldn't change, I couldn't stay. . Never more to hurt me deep, bye bye Barbara. Never more to make me weep, bye bye Barbara. Since you are what you are. You'll not very long
leave you this way. You couldn't change, I couldn't stay. . Never more to hurt me deep, bye bye Barbara. Never more to make me weep, bye bye Barbara. Since you are what you are. You'll not very long
(Georges Bizet - CARMEN). . La fleur que tu m'avais jetée,. Dans ma prison m'était restée. Flétrie et séche, cette fleur. Gardait toujours sa douce odeur;. Et pendant des heures entiéres,. Sur
and mangoes all piled to the sky. How she could balance it, I wouldn't dare. But they don't dance like Carmen nowhere Ah but the lady's not with us, she died long ago. And they don't show her movies
Album L'ECCEZIONE (2002). . . Soffro nel. vederti infrangere. i principi sui quali era. salda unesemplare dignit. . Condizione. inammissibile,. la discutibile urgenza. per cui indispensabil