Ohohoh ohohoh. Ohohoh ohohoh-vengaboys are back in town. Ohohoh ohohoh. Ohohoh ohohoh. Ohohoh ohohoh. Ohohoh ohohoh. If youre alone and you need a friend. Someone to make you forget your problems
Sha la la la . Vengaboys . There's a boy in my mind and he knows. I am thinking of him. All my way through the day and the night. Stars shine above me. He's been gone for sum time. But i know i
Bài hát Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom!! (Airplay) - Vengaboys. Whoaa whoaa. Whoaa whoaa. Vengaboys are back in town. Whoaa whoaa. Whoaa whoaa. Whoaa whoaa. Whoaa whoaa. If you're alone and you need a
Song De Jager - Belle Perez. Is er iets mooier dan een heel mooi lied. Het doet je blozen, niemand die het ziet. Jongen kom binnen, jongen kom binnen. Help mij. Help me uit de nood. Help mij. Of is
Song The World Is Gonna End Tonight (Live) - Belle Perez. I think you need a little helping hand. to get you back in line,. don't think I don't know you're stranded. I don't believe in a personal god
There's a boy on my mind and he knows I'm thinking of him. On my way. through the day and the night The star shine above me He's been gone for. some time but I know I truly love him. And I'm singing a
Bài hát Shalala Lala - Vengaboys. There's a boy in my mind and he knows I'm thinkin' of him. All my way to the day and the night the stars shine above me. He's been gone for some time but I know I
We have already in the past produced records. These records were successful. And produced considerable results. But the funds have been spent. And very well spent. And for this reason we're. Now produ
Bài hát Butterfly - Vengaboys. Ay ee ay ay. Ay ee ay ay. Ay ee ay ay. Waits for samurai. I've been searcing for a man. All across Japan. Just to find. To find my samurai. Someone who is strong. But