So I sat in the attic a piano up my nose. And the wind played a dreadful cantata. (Cantata, cantata). Sore was I from the crack of a enemy's hose. And the horrible sound of tomato. (Tomato
Like a tomato in the rain. I got that feeling again. Like a greyhound in a race. I've got a rabbit to chase Roll under me. No one's going down. You got the remedy. What's going around? Like a
Nonno. Bella Bella Bella Felice. Kaponāta・kapurēze. Wain nonde anthipasuto. Marināra・marugerīta. Tomato no aji ga kimete dazo. Amatorichāna・Karubonāra. Shiage wa Pekorīino・romāno!. Doruche ni wa chokorāta