young boy Tom as fast as he could go. "Ere the day has dawned and the cocks have crowed and flapped their wings so wide. I'm bid to go to the lady's door and stretch out by her side". "Lie down, lie
Oh yeah. Just for the record let's get the story straight. Me and Uncle Tom were fishing it was getting pretty late. Out on a cypress limb above the wishin' well. Where they say it got no bottom
Bài hát You Get Me (From ''Talking Friends'') - Tom, Angela. Angela Oohhhh. Angela Yeah yeah yeah. Angela Crazy people, we can make really good friends. That's why we eachother in. Tom With you
ti. ar. al. Just like Tom Thumb's blues. Bob Dylan. When you're lost in the rain in Juarez. And it's eastertime too. And your gravity fails. And negativity don't pull you through. Don't put on any
I miss the days when life was so simple. Felt like the glass was always half–full. Where did that go?. And every second with you was so special. Back when we didn't fear the unknowns. But that was lon