). . Settle down, talking love, talking beauty of it all. I could plee, I could make ends meet. Leave your values, leave your virtues, seize the making of some new company. . The rage of this passion. Will
(Roger Taylor). . Collect your senses and your wits. What you've left of your mind. All the so called modern caring virtues. Are the moral teaching you can find. So let's turn on the TV
an open shore. Every time you fall I only want you more. If virtues and the suffering of the heart I know. All of the children sent form the sky. Our life was a shadow. Until I knew. That sorrow’s a
- He wouldn't have to hurt so bad - Hurts so bad `cause - It's too much drama, too much drama Dad and Mama - Traded back and forth til he turns 18 - It's too much drama, the kid don't need no new step
your hips and upper lip on the big screen. . Use your virtues right. No one will ever be unbeatable at everything. Choose your natural side and all you touch will turn to gold. And use your virtues