A silent heart ticking under the ground. Taking the weight from which has yet to be found. If you can hear me now why don't you recall. I was the one who loved you after all. A silent heart ticking
. Concentrate. Concentrate. Concentrate. Now, I had just stumbled out of some club. Somewhere in Dubai. 615 in the mornin'. I'm drunk and I′m high. I′m drunk and I'm high. I′m drunk and I'm high. I′m drunk and
the dreams run dry. When the dreams run dry. I will be where I always was. Standin' at your side. Letting go of the reins. Reach for thesummit. Of an ancient design. On the verge of eternal. On the
Genocide, de facto wife. G8 summit designed for life. Muhammad Ali, Kurt Cobain. There's no such thing as cheap cocaine. Never again Nothing is ever what it seems to be. Living in the 21st century
away. And you don't need no car to truly, truly ride, to truly ride away As you ascend in silence. All doubt behind thee. You reach thesummit my friend. And find your destiny, yeah, oh yeah And you