love your fellow man?. Well you can search the whole wide planet. Down to viruses and germs. A 'sensible' religion. Is just a contradiction in terms. . And if I had the keys to the kingdom. I'd
when all diving fails. . I swim but I wish I never learned. . The water's too polluted with germs. . I dive deep when it's ten feet overhead. . *** the reef underneath my bed. . Underneath my
are taught to need. Another invented disease. . Left alone in corporate slums. Where germs are free not amex fun. Healthy bodies in empty minds. Only exists in advert time. . Daylight bores the
blue pseudo Bel Air. Germs and flies alarm you. They whisper the word expelair. The eyes of the night sub zero. Peep through the windows of sleep. Everyone's husband is a hero. And ghost insurance men
echoes). The residual echoes from the giant explosion. Where they said it beginned Thegerms from space, the negative virus knit-wear. The blobulent suit, that's right, the blobulent suit. It's made of
music - Sean McGrath and Leon del Muerte. lyrics - Sean McGrath Your ribcage is avulsed. Mangled, chopped, and hewn. Organ meats have been sundered. And about your coffin strewn. Latent germs