Das-me a vontade. Das-me o ouvido. De arrancar musicas ao ar. Na tempestade. Madeira e vidro. Saberao como no quebrar. As chamas trinco. O sexto sentido. Saber tudo entrelacar. E' por tudo o
is too soon. I guess I'll have to borrow. One of your sunny afternoons. But afternoons they never come. There's nothing left for me to borrow. I guess I'll try again tomorrow - * 4. You're
Bài hát Silence - Marshmello, Khalid. Verse 1. Yeah, I'd rather be a lover than a fighter. 'Cause all my life, I've been fighting. Never felt a feeling of comfort. All this time, I've been hiding
Silence cause I'm vain. Silence cause my mother thinks I'm beautiful. Silence cause I'm vain. Silence cause I'm scared of this passage of time Silence as I breathe. Silence as my lungs become a
Bài hát Frozen Silence - . Frozen silence, cold winds are rising . Earth sleeps soundly covered in snow . White lands reviving, ice flowers thriving . Frozen silence, cold winds are rising. Earth
l'impossibile. Oh Sergio, non ho tempo di scriverti,. Ma, d'altra parte, non ti ho scritto mai. E come ti potevo scrivere?. Erano stati tutti amici miei
She doesn't know how much she helped me to grow. And the words are lost in my mouth. She taught me to look inside myself and she. Doesn't know how much I hurt myself. She and me. Me and she. We
And then she said,. - "What's that on your eyes?". She touched me. Yes, I was crying. - "For many years I've tried, but now I'm too tired to hide. No reason why. Just need to cry. ". And then
I'm growing seed in a haystack. I give it a splash of green. It's not the sun. It's not the water. There's something more to make me live. And I breed and I can't feel but I drop sad tears when I
I feel strange tonight. There's something wrong tonight. I am soaked and it hurts to breathe. You sleep by my side. Aimee runs to hide. And my mind slips out of me. Thank god for ceilings. Thes
. Within the sound of silence. In restless dreams I walked alone. Narrow streets of cobblestone,. neath the halo of a street lamp,. I turned my collar to the cold and damp. When my eyes were stabbed by the
Bài hát Silence Arise (Xerxes & Phoenix) - V. A. We dance alone . We are shadows - On moonlit walls . Nights are cold and wary . We glance into the hollow . We race against time . Silence - Arise
Chorus. Silence. Silence in your heart. It's tearing me apart. Burning deep inside me. And I'd be lying. Lying to myself. That I'd find somebody else. Who can take your place. Your love is all I need
Hold, hold your tongue now. And let them all listen to your silence. Hold, hold your tongue now. And let them all listen to your silence Hold, hold your tongue now. And let them all listen to