Song Shovels & Dirt - The Strumbellas. Momma never told him there's a devil in me. I've got a mouth full of rotten. and a heart full of greed. shovels and dirt, shovels and dirt. it ain't worth livin
Until your heartbeat hurts no more. Until your feet lift off the floor. Until they get the best of you. You must keep on climbing through The rope is long. There's no turning back. But the rope
tiRope. arFoo Fighters. alWasting Light. ☜ Rope ☞. artist Foo Fighters. album Wasting Light. This indecision got. me climbing up the walls. I've been cheating gravity. and waiting on the falls. How
tiRope. arFoo Fighters. alWasting Light. ☜ Rope ☞. artist Foo Fighters. album Wasting Light. This indecision got. me climbing up the walls. I've been cheating gravity. and waiting on the falls. How