Captains hair. Shone softly in the sun. Rode on his best mare. To Sarah School-boy eyes. Would stare with innocent fun. Never told no lies. He loved Sarah Whispered by a bramble. Carried by a
Mary Jane, Mary Jane. Please don't leave me, baby. I'll just find you again I asked my uncle if. If I could go. Yes, yes, go out and take. Mary Jane to the picture show But Uncle Bob sighed. He
Jane be Jane. Better that way, not when you're trying. Imitating something you think you saw So Jane be Jane. And if sometimes that might drive them away. Let them stay there, you don't need them
Song Liza Jane - Vince Gill. You've got my number. You've got my name. So why don't you call me. Little Liza Jane. You've got that body. You've got that frame. So why don't you call me. Little Liza