nichts. Der andre hat doch alles und beklagt sich. Wir sind dieser fehler in der matrix. Die augen sind das tor zu deiner seele (seele). Deshalb siehst du mich hier draußen nur mit brille (brille). Die
Intro Cooliecut. Can't find, can't find. Love in the matrix at any time. Can't find, can't find. Love in the matrix at any time. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry. Verse 1 Kin$oul. What it do
Gonna build a rocket. Anytime you want it. Paint it pretty colors. Gonna light it up and take us to the moon. That's what I'm gonna do. That's what I'm gonna. . Save up all the paper. Gonna ne
Gonna build a rocket. Anytime you want it. Paint it pretty colors. Gonna light it up and take us to the moon. That's what I'm gonna do. That's what I'm gonna. . Save up all the paper. Gonna ne
Give me a minute to get in it, give me a minute. With one of your main bitches, mental fitness I demonstrate. Right in front of your eyes. Watch your bitch elevate from a five to a nine Confidence
Give me a minute to get in it, give me a minute. With one of your main bitches, mental fitness I demonstrate. Right in front of your eyes. Watch your bitch elevate from a five to a nine Confidence
Words and music by Hoyt Axton. . You know I've smoked a lot of grass. O' Lord, I've popped a lot of pills. But I never touched nothin'. That my spirit could kill. You know, I've seen a lot of pe
Words and Music by John Kay. . What gives you the right hey you. To stand there and tell me what to do. . Tell me who gave you the power. . To stop me from livin' like I do. Remember if you pl