10 second instrumental to open. . Chorus Pras Michel. He who fights, runs away, lives to fight, ohhhhh. Another day, some would say, one monkey don't stop a show. He who fights, runs away, lives
? Running over chickenheads. Tomorrow never dies when she reveals her eyes. Keep your eyes on the prize, for Pras is the prize. My ears shoot the street, just to take out the impostor. Tough guys get
? Running over chickenheads. Tomorrow never dies when she reveals her eyes. Keep your eyes on the prize, for Pras is the prize. My ears shoot the street, just to take out the impostor. Tough guys get
shoot the street, just to take out the impostor. Tomorrow never dies when she reveals her eyes. Keep your eyes on the prize, for Pras is the prize Tough guys get penalized, cut down to size. It's the