that he cried. In bridges he burned. Or the way that she died. It's time now, to sing out. Though the story never ends. Let's celebrate. Remember a year in the life of friends. Remember the love. (Oh
enemy. And death its consequence". That's what they once said to me. And it's starting to make sense. All this pain, all this fear began because of me. Is the thing they see, the thing I have to be. A
Fallin'. By Robert Klein. Original Artist. . I'm afraid to fly. And I don't know why. I'm jealous of the people the who are not afraid to die. It's just that I recall. Back when I was small
!. . Mayor. Our skies are unbearably dark. . Mrs. Mayor. And war is unbearably near. . Mayor. And that's not the end of our troubles here. . Whos. For on the other sideof town. The Truffula trees
Bài hát All Of London Is Here Tonight (OriginalBroadwayCast Recording) - Kelsey Grammer, Matthew Morrison, Teal Wicks. Chorus. Anyone! Anyone! Anyone who's anyone is here!. (Ah. ) . Anyone! Anyone
Bài hát StoryOf My Life (Glee Cast Version) - Glee Cast . Written in these walls are the stories that I can't explain. I leave my heart open but it stays right here empty for days. She told me in
Jungle Citizens. Who who wah dah. Who who who wad dah dah dah. Who who wad dah. Who who. . Horton. On the fifteenth of May. In the Jungle of Nool. In the heat of the day, . In the cool of
Bài hát Finale (OriginalBroadwayCast Recording) - Matthew Morrison, V. A. Mrs. Du Maurier. I know you feel alone. But we are here beside you. She left the stars up in the sky . So they can guide
Bài hát Neverland (Reprise) (OriginalBroadwayCast Recording) - Matthew Morrison, V. A. Frohman. Act One, Scene One. a nursery!. Peter. It's the Darling House. And look, see?. Preparing the beds
of darkness-can make a person blind. But now I can see. . I am changing, tryin every way I can. I am changing, I'll be better than I am. But I need a friend-to help me start all over again,. Oh
. . Said the queen, "My dear, if you felt that pea. Then we've proof enough of your royalty. Let the wedding music play". . And the people shouted quietly, "Hurray!". . For a princess is a delicate
Bài hát Miracle Part 1 (Matilda OriginalBroadway Recording) - Original Matilda Cast. LAVENDER. My mummy says I'm a miracle!. REGINALD. My daddy says I'm his special little guy!. ALICE. I am a
Song Lullaby OfBroadway - Tony Bennett. Come on along and listen to. The Lullaby ofBroadway. The hip hooray and bally hoo. The Lullaby ofBroadway The rumble of a subway train. The rattle of a
Bài hát Revolting Children (Matilda OriginalBroadway Recording) - Original Matilda Cast. Woah!. Never again will she get the best of me!. Never again will she take away my freedom. And we won't
Come on along and listen to. The Lullaby ofBroadway. The hip hooray and bally hoo. The Lullaby ofBroadway The rumble of a subway train. The rattle of a taxi. The daffodils who entertain. At
I was born and raised in the ghetto. Talk with me and you'll know. I wasn't satisfied with living on the side. I started looking around for a possibility. But listen to my story, of what became