I love the way you talk. (Oh yeah, Betty Jean). Speaking little, saying a lot. (Oh yeah, Betty Jean). I love the way you walk. (Oh yeah, Betty Jean). Look like you're dancing when you're not
Wish I had a car. Top rolled down, the music up loud. Follow that girl all over town and see. Norma Jean Riley's gonna notice me Wish I had a dog. Seen her in the park with a puppy on a string
, will you, baby? Should I be the one to say that you don't need it Skinny Jean crushed a Kenyan roast bean. Raoul devours another organic buffet. They're so preservative free to keep their smokescreen
Song Billie Jean . Singer Blackstreet. No, no, no diggity. This is the remix, remix (no diggity). Brought to you by blackstreet (one, one, one, two). No diggity, no doubt. Play on, play that (one
those Levis. Well, I was begging on my knees. Pretty please, oh, won't you be my Chorus. Blue jean baby. Painted on tight, driving me crazy. Denim daisy. Turning heads all over town. The other