know you're out there and it's not like I've been told. So I run to you, I run to you To find the path of the right love, oh yeah. Path of the right love. We're on the path of the one love, oh yeah
path I said there's no such thing as the straight path. I said there's no such thing as the straight path When the gun burn everythin'. You been taught you must unlearn. With one turn of the world
be easier. And I know that sometimes life is hard. And I wish that things could be much better. On this path along the road until it's over. . Chorus. Now let me find my way. Let me find the
path. After the dark, there will be dawn. Nothing can break us apart. Let pain pervade our flesh. Let cold congeal our blood. Let havoc crush us down to the ground. But we will still be one. In each
found my path What the hell are you trying?. Now I know there is something more. What happened to you?. Still staying on my path Are you still denying?. Now I know there is something more. That this
found my path What the hell are you trying?. Now I know there is something more. What happened to you?. Still staying on my path Are you still denying?. Now I know there is something more. That this
the ways all of us pray. To one god. Many the path. Winding their way. To One God. Brothers and sisters there are no strangers. After his work is done. For your God and my God. Are one. So many
the ways all of us pray. To one god. Many the path. Winding their way. To One God. Brothers and sisters there are no strangers. After his work is done. For your God and my God. Are one. So many
the ways all of us pray. To one god. Many the path. Winding their way. To One God. Brothers and sisters there are no strangers. After his work is done. For your God and my God. Are one. So many
the one, my child She said, "The path you walk. Gonna be hard one to tread". 'Cause the night is your only love. Lots of girls gonna be hurt. Said, "It's part of your fate. 'Cause you're the one