Sitting here with Auntie Nellie, she is so alone. Talking idly, she's in no hurry, I wish I could go. But how could I just say Goodbye, there's no-one who she knows. . No I can't leave my Auntie
Who thanked the Lord for the clothes. That she wore and mended. Nellie with the big old fashioned eyes. Who won the heart of a crowd tore apart, took a bow. Nellie there's a different world
Wait till the sun shines Nellie. When the clouds go driftin' by. We will be so happy, Nellie. Don't let me hear you sighin'. I can't stand to see you cryin'. . Down Lover's Lane, we'll wander
Dear Nellie Goodrich. I am writing to you. To tell you of my love. Please don't be offended. I mean you no harm. Sure as the sun shines above. . Dear Nellie Goodrich. I have watched from afar