Tuna, rubber, a little blubber in my igloo, yea. And I knew you, pigtails and all, girls when they fall. And they said, "Marianne killed herself". And I said, "Not a chance, not a chance". But
Tuna, rubber, a little blubber in my igloo, yea. And I knew you, pigtails and all, girls when they fall. And they said, "Marianne killed herself". And I said, "Not a chance, not a chance". But
Paroles Jean-Michel Rivat et Franck Thomas. Musique MauriceDulac. (c) Nouvelles ditions meridian, Paris, France. 1J'ai connu milie. Aux premires jonquilles. Elle tait si jolie. Des jonquilles
Paroles Jean-Michel Rivat et Franck Thomas. Musique MauriceDulac. (c) Nouvelles ditions meridian, Paris, France. 1J'ai connu milie. Aux premires jonquilles. Elle tait si jolie. Des jonquilles
Of all the love I have won or have lost. There is one love I should never have crossed. He was a boy in a million, my friend,. I should have known he would win in the end. I'm a loser. And I lost