Song Hold Us Together - MattMaher. It don't have a job, don't pay your bills. Won't buy you a home in Beverly Hills. Won't fix your life in five easy steps. Ain't the law of the land or the
this revelry. I remember how I used to want it all. Funny now the big things seem so small. From http//www. elyrics. net/read/a/amy-grant-lyrics/simple-things-lyrics. html . I dream of simple things I
Carry You. AmyGrant Lay down your burden, I will carry you. I will carry you, my child, my child. Lay down your burden, I will carry you. I will carry you, my child, my child Cuz I can walk on
turned my crazy world back around,. And I've been saved by love,. Saved by love, saved by love. Amy, she's been saved by love,. Saved by love, saved by love. Saved by love. . I'm saved by love