Con adorno de buen escolazo. en tus manos dejo flor de espadas,. para que tengas. Sepa el boncha que la va de liso. yo soy dueo de la mano brava. Dioses del abismo. guardaran mi marca. Para s
{There, there, there, there} Put aside the everyday world and come with us. Into the realm of imagination. The middle ground between light and shadow. Incomprehensible U N K L E Would've
figli? Ah, la paterna mano non vi fu scudo,. o cari,. Dai perfidi sicari che a morte. vi ferr!. E me fuggiasco, occulto voi. chiamavate invano. Coll'ultimo singulto, coll'ultio respir. Ah! trammi
That's the way it is Huh, huh Jam, Master Jay. J-j-jam, jam, jam. Jam-Master Jay. J-j-jam, jam, jam Kick off the shoes. K-k-kick. Kick off the shoes. K-k-kick. Kick off the shoes 84, 84,84
They come from the cities. And they come from the smaller towns. Beat up cars with guitars and drummers. Goin crack boom bam. . Chorus. R. O. C. K. In the U. S. A. R. O. C. K. In the