, ohh The white man's greed. In search of gold. Made the nation bleed. They had lost their faith. And now they had to learn. There was no place to return. Nowhere they could turn Cherokee. Oh
Bài hát Cherokee Maiden - Willie Nelson. One night when the moon was bright on the moonlit bay. That is where I found my little Cherokee maid. The memory of the that night of love is lingering yet
A Cherokee chief as he dances along. Sings an Indian boogie to a white man's song Singin' "Hey-ho-a-lina". (Hey-ho-a-lina). Singin' "Hey-ho-a-lina. (Hey-ho-a-lina). Singin' "Hey-ho-a-lina" oh oh
Cherokee Louise is hiding in this tunnel. In the Broadway bridge. We're crawling on our knees. We've got flashlights and batteries. We've got cold cuts from the fridge. Last year about this time
, ohh The white man's greed. In search of gold. Made the nation bleed. They had lost their faith. And now they had to learn. There was no place to return. Nowhere they could turn Cherokee. Oh
, ohh The white man's greed. In search of gold. Made the nation bleed. They had lost their faith. And now they had to learn. There was no place to return. Nowhere they could turn Cherokee. Oh
De colores. De colores se visten los campos en la primavera. De colores. De colores son los pajarillos que vienen de afuera. De colores. De colores es el arco iris que vemos lucir. . Y por eso
Zurdok - Abre Los Ojos. Abre la ventana y ve la luz del sol. Abre la venta y mirate. Abre los ojos bien. Abre los ojos bien. Salte de la casa y mira alrededor. Salte de la casa y buscame. Abre
amigos. (rpt 1). Macarena sueqa con El Corte Ingles. Que se compra los modelos mas modernos. Le gustaria vivir en Nueva York. Y ligar un novio nuevo. Macarena sueqa con El Corte Ingles. Que se compra los
Zurdok - Abre Los Ojos. Abre la ventana y ve la luz del sol. Abre la venta y mirate. Abre los ojos bien. Abre los ojos bien. Salte de la casa y mira alrededor. Salte de la casa y buscame. Abre
Mira como se mecen ya, los patos al caminar. Y tambi?n los imitaras bailando sin descansar. Y ellos muy contentos, muy contentos se pondr?n. Por eso esta canci?n te encantara. . Y Mac-Pato