NARRATION Now the old man was nearing a toy shop. Where he could hear a music box kind of sound. From a miniature carousel with its miniature horses. All circling faithfully around And a little
nervous wreck a day ago. Now you ain't got no business comin' around. I'm closin' up shop, shuttin' us down It's a little too late, I'm a little too gone. I'm a little too tired of just hangin' on. So
no business comin' around. I'm closin' up shop, shuttin' us down It's a little too late, I'm a little too gone. I'm a little too tired of just hangin' on. So I'm lettin' go while I'm still strong
, shop, shop around I've got expectations. What my settle down should be. She got to be stacked head to toe. She's gotta be down for me And I won't settle for nothing less. But the cream of the crop