They preach to the choir. Always in the permanent daylight. They toss paper tigers from their. Perfect porcelain skylines Listen for the sound. (For the sound, for the sound). As it all comes
The tigers come at four. Shaped like the curtain and the floor. Like the stars they once were wild and cold. . Your turn to see me. I can't believe it's really you. Sharpening your teeth on my
There's no hope in the colonies. So catch yourself a lifeline. Things have gone wrong too many times. So catch yourself a slow boat to China Fixing some holes from the tigers claws. All your
I'm not scared of lions and tigers and bears, no, I'm not. But I'm scared of loving you. I'm not scared to perform at a sold out affair, that's right. But I'm scared of loving you Am I the only
{There, there, there, there} Put aside the everyday world and come with us. Into the realm of imagination. The middle ground between light and shadow. Incomprehensible U N K L E Would've
I'm not scared of lions and tigers and bears, no, I'm not. But I'm scared of loving you. I'm not scared to perform at a sold out affair, that's right. But I'm scared of loving you Am I the only
Bạc Phận (Masew Remix) - K-ICM, Jack (G5R), Masew. Ai gieo tình này, ai mang tình này, để lệ trên khóe mi cay. Ai đưa về nhà, ai cho ngọc ngà, giờ người xa cách ta. Từng là một thời thiếu nữ trong
nhẹ qua hàng mi khẽ thì thầm bên em những lời ru của gió. Thả mình theo lần mây đưa em qua ngọt ngào mà ta đã từng có. K lyrics on. Cùng đạp xe nô đùa với nhau ở nơi góc phố nhỏ. Emily. Ôm em đi (I
I've been drinking. With wolves dressed up as sheep. They've been killing. Injured creatures in their sleep Get some feelings. That truly bothers me. I can save them. I know I can That's what yo