C'est trop facile d'entrer aux glises. De dverser toutes ses salets. Face au cur qui dans la lumire grise. Ferme les yeux pour mieux nous pardonner. Tais-toi donc Grand Jacques. Que connais-tu
ti. ar. al. Jacques Brel. La chanson des vieux amants. Paroles Jacques Brel. Musique Jacques Brel, Gérard Jouannest 1967. Bien sûr, nous eûmes des orages. Vingt ans d'amour, c'est l'amour fol
I love the way you talk. (Oh yeah, Betty Jean). Speaking little, saying a lot. (Oh yeah, Betty Jean). I love the way you walk. (Oh yeah, Betty Jean). Look like you're dancing when you're not
Wish I had a car. Top rolled down, the music up loud. Follow that girl all over town and see. Norma Jean Riley's gonna notice me Wish I had a dog. Seen her in the park with a puppy on a string
, will you, baby? Should I be the one to say that you don't need it Skinny Jean crushed a Kenyan roast bean. Raoul devours another organic buffet. They're so preservative free to keep their smokescreen