Intro. Turi ipipip. Ipipipip tsha ik. Ip tura ip ik. Eugh eugh isha ik turisha. Turi ipipip. Ipipipip tsha ik. Ip tura ip ik. Eugh eugh isha ik turisha. Verse. Turi ipipip. Ipipipip
All our needs put together. Don't bleed on their own. You paid for an eyeful. So behold the bull. Why can't I look up, (out in the clearing). Tell me what's there below, (end over end). While
has left you. And the clothes you wear belong to someone else. See your shadow chasing off towards the shore line. Drifting into emptiness There are bull-rushes outside my window. And their leaves
again I've got the bull by the horns on a downhill drag. Things are better than they ever have been. Yeah, I missed a lotta lovin' in my lifetime. But I'm never gonna do it again, I'm never gonna do it
Bài hát Last Light - Dan Bull, Miracle. Chorus Miracle Of Sound. Do you know the meaning of fear. When you fear to lose all that you hold dear. Do you know the feeling of being alone. On your knees