I shuffle around. The tectonic plates in my chest. You know I gave it all. Trying to match our continents. To change seasonal shift. To form a mutual core As fast as your fingernail grows. The
trouble. Time for being to grace. And she showed me how to yield. How to care, and how to bloom. Certain feeling for us now is the core. . And she showed me how to leave. How to share, and how to see
tiThe Core. arSuprising Babamars. al. Surprising Babamars - The Core. I was crawling on the floor. When she found me on the corridor. Face down on the carpet. She dragged me to them next door. And
Catari, Catari,. pecch me dici sti parole amare,. pecch me parle e 'o core. me turmiento Catari? Num te scurd ca t'aggio date 'o core, Catari. nun te scurd! Catari, Catari, che vene a dicere