in a sweat. He was mute and staring. But feeling the thing he had not I know how it is. When something is gone. A piece of your eyesight. Or maybe your vision A corner of sense. Goes blank on the
I've written songs in the dark. In the dark, in the dark, in the dark. I've felt inspired in the dark. In the dark, in the dark, in the dark I hide myself in the dark. In the dark, in the dark
I've written songs in the dark. In the dark, in the dark, in the dark. I've felt inspired in the dark. In the dark, in the dark, in the dark I hide myself in the dark. In the dark, in the dark
in towards the flame. Burn into obscurity Still and transfixed, the electric sheep. Are dreaming up your fate. And judge you from the card castle. Comfort of America Come one, come all. Into 1984
the moth. Edging in, towards the flame,. Burn into obscurity. . Still and transfix me. The electric sheep are dreaming up your fate. And judge you from the card castle. Comfort all on America