. Driving at 90 down those country lanes. Singing to "Tiny Dancer". And I miss the way you make me feel, and it's real. When we watched the sunset over the castle on the hill. ♪. Fifteen years old and smoking
. So you've had a good cry Reach out, there's people in the stalls. A Blackpool season isn't very small. Reading commercials on TV. Is just as good as a bad Page 3 revue We all know it's so hard for
In a quiet country village stood a maple on the hill. Where I sat with my Geneva long ago. As the stars were shining brightly we could hear the whippoorwill. As we sat beneath the maple on the
In a country churchyard there's a preacher with his people. Gathered all around to join a man and woman,. Spring is here and turtle doves are singing from the steeple,. Bees are in the flowers