들어온 순간. 회색 빛이던 내 마음이 이제는 무지갯빛이 됐지. Shiny날 이렇게 바꿔준 너. You are my key. 소중히 간직한 내 맘속. 숨은 달빛을 꺼내준 거야. You are my key. 깜깜한 길 끝에 반짝인. 꿈을 열어준 나의 열쇠. I shine because of you, yeah, yeah. For me, you are my key
Sail lightly on winds. Disappear on the breeze. Lie firmly on pins. Pull them out with ease Solid boned skeleton key. Opens the most intricate locks. Brother roll another for me. I am
security. No one wants to make a terrible choice. On the price of being free I don't want to face the killer instinct. Face it in you or me. So we keep it under lock and key. Lock and key It's not a
who holds the key Your body lay aglow as if to show you peacefully dreamin'. So only you could know that deep inside somebody was screamin'. And callin' out to anyone who could help you through the