. Wünsch mir Flügel. Ich muss fort von hier. Und geh' meinen Weg. Zurück zu mir Auf der Suche nach mir. Nach mir selbst. Bin ich weit gegangen. Hab' auf Scherben getanzt. Ohne Zweifel und Angst im
. Wünsch mir Flügel. Ich muss fort von hier. Und geh' meinen Weg. Zurück zu mir Auf der Suche nach mir. Nach mir selbst. Bin ich weit gegangen. Hab' auf Scherben getanzt. Ohne Zweifel und Angst im
. Wünsch mir Flügel. Ich muss fort von hier. Und geh' meinen Weg. Zurück zu mir Auf der Suche nach mir. Nach mir selbst. Bin ich weit gegangen. Hab' auf Scherben getanzt. Ohne Zweifel und Angst im
Theo, wir fahr'n nach Lodz! Theo, wir fahr'n nach Lodz! Steh' auf, du faules Murmeltier,. bevor ich die Geduld verlier'. Theo, wir fahr'n nach Lodz! Theo, wir fahr'n nach Lodz!. Theo, wir fahr'n
Meine beste Snde, geht durch die Tr. Ich bin schwerverletzt, und suchtig nach ihr. Ich fhl mich Besessen, und verloren. Vergessen, wie nie geboren. Zerfetz Dein Tagebuch. Ich find mich nicht
(vocals) Rhonda (stage whisper). Harry, this is not dream girls! Harry (stage whisper). They told me it had c-c-colored folk in it, rhonda, and that's always a sure sign of good, solid, musical
Verse 1. I'm just wild about Harry. And Harry's wild about me. The heavenly blisses of his kisses. Fill me with ecstasy. He's sweet just like chocolate candy. Or just like honey from a bee. Oh, I'm
Song Amen - Harry Belafonte. See the little baby, Amen. Wrapped in a manger Amen. On Christmas morning,. Amen, Amen, Amen. See him in the temple, Amen. Talking with the elders, Amen. Who marveled at
mueves y para. (Dímelo maestro). Gianluca. Show me what you got. Show me, show me what you got. Ella baila sin pena ella rompió toda la cadena. No tiene ataduras ella no es una nena buena. Música en el
Testo e Musica di Gianluca Grignani. . Assaggi il cielo dici "Sa di zucchero!". Poi mi baci e che sapore che mi dai. Usi le parole come miele. Per sfamare l'indeciso che tu sai. E chiedi a Dio
(vocals) Rhonda. Harry! harry, is that you as a boy? Harry. Why, it must be! he's so charming and sweet and likeable! Thing-fish. Harry-as-a-boy, c'mon over 'n say a few words to de nice peoples! Harry
Song Together - Harry Nilsson. Life isn't easy. When two are divided. And one has decided to bring down the curtain. And one thing's for certain. There's nothing to keep them together. How does it
Song Together - Harry Nilsson. Life isn't easy. When two are divided. And one has decided to bring down the curtain. And one thing's for certain. There's nothing to keep them together. How does it
song Angelina - Harry Belafonte. Angelina, Angelina, please bring down your concertina. And play a welcome for me cause I'll be coming home from sea. Yes its so long since I've been home. Seems like
song Angelina - Harry Belafonte. Angelina, Angelina, please bring down your concertina. And play a welcome for me cause I'll be coming home from sea. Yes its so long since I've been home. Seems like
Song Bally Mena - Harry Belafonte. Bally Mena, Bally Mena, Bally Mena in the harbor. Bally Mena, Bally Mena, Bally Mena in the harbor. Bring the Bally Mena to the dock. And paint the Bally Mena black
Song Glory Manger - Harry Belafonte. They turn 'way Mary and Josef. 'Way from the inn. They turn 'way Mary and Josef. 'Way from the inn. They turn 'way Mary and Josef. 'Way from the inn. That's what
abajo, efectivo en cada movimiento. . Nach. Entrenamiento en recorrido libre asн imagino lo imposible. Salta entre las hojas el gato y parece un tigre. Impredecible volteretas en letras que el aire
Song 1941 - Harry Nilsson. Well, in 1941 a happy father had a son. And by 1944, the father walks right out the door. And in '45 the mom and son were still alive. But who could tell in '46 if the two
Song Christmas Is Coming - Harry Belafonte. Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat. Please put a penny in the old man's hat. Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat. Please put a penny
(CHORUS)got a young brown stallion and she twenty years old, when she pop it from the back you see that harry *, got a young red stallion and she twenty years old, when she pop it from the back