. Ne nunmureun naega da gajilge. Neoreul weonae dareun iyueopshi. Saeppalgan ipsulcheoreom seonmyeonghan neoreul. Let me tell ya. Chanyeol/Lee Oh oh neol dameun shiseon. (Love me don’t hurt me). Chanyeol
' in the dark It was Stagger Lee and Billy. Two men who gambled late. Stagger Lee threw a seven. Billy swore, he threw an eight Stagger Lee told Billy. "I cant let you get away with that. Well
' in the dark It was Stagger Lee and Billy. Two men who gambled late. Stagger Lee threw a seven. Billy swore, he threw an eight Stagger Lee told Billy. "I cant let you get away with that. Well
Baby Lee, don't do me like you do. Baby Lee, don't do me like you do. I love you, baby; you never treat me right Takin' you downtown, you carried me through the mill. Takin' you downtown, baby
estás dura y me gusta. Desde la isla del encanto (¡Farru!). Langside, Pedro Capó. Jordy Noriega, Record 808. Sharo Towers (Puerto Rico). (Welcome to the paradise).
Picked her up on a Friday night. Sha la la la lee, yeah. I knew everything gonna be alright. Sha la la la lee, yeah. Sha la la la lee I asked her "Where do you wanna go?". Sha la la la lee, yeah