Alle Rosen. Sind verblüht. Seid du fortgingst. Erdrückt jede Nach mein Gemüt Falke flieg,. Himmel an,. Greif dir mein Herz. Und trag es voran. Falke flieg,. Denn mir wird kalt. Ich werd dir
My brother Jake, hat, shades, head in a daze. My brother Jake, have you thought about changin' your ways?. He goes out, he don't have no doubt. He don't have to know what the world's about. . My
My brother Jake, hat, shades, head in a daze. My brother Jake, have you thought about changin' your ways?. He goes out, he don't have no doubt. He don't have to know what the world's about. . My
tiClap Your Hands. arSia. alWe Are Born. Sia - Clap Your Hands. i’ve been the neglecting the good things. what i mean is i need the good things. i’m finding the light in the good things. i might need
Bài hát Tik Tok - Ke$ha. Wake up in the mornin' feelin' like P- Diddy (Hey what's up girl) . *** ma glasses I'm out the door I'm gonna hit the city (Let's go) . Before I leave brush ma teeth with a bo
Blacked out,. Everything's faded on your love,. I'm already wasted, so close. That I can taste it now, now So let's break right out of these guilty cages. We're going to make it now. Don't ever t
Chorus. Give us, give us a chance. I just wanna hold on,. I just wanna hold on. Hold on. I just wanna hold on. . Waiting for your love. Cause I can’t break away. No I can’t break this start.
We spend the summer in town. Afraid of heights even when I’m down. We write our names in concrete. Afraid of lights when we ? under sheets. . You just call when you feel alone. Make me fall ever
There was a time when my world was filled with darkness, darkness, darkness. And I stopped dreaming now. I'm supposed to fill it up with something, something, something. In your eyes I see the eyes
tiEverything To Lose. arDido. al. Dido - Everything To Lose. Spledidyang of MAXRNB. I used to be so fearless so limitless and free. Happy on my own and nothing really bothered me. I had desires to see
I need your love,. I need your love,. You give me light so tonight take me there. I feel your sun start to glow. And I know it let me show. That I need your love. I want your touch for the rest
Caught out sleeping around. He says it's nothing with her lipstick on his mouth. And you might think he doesn't care that much at all. But they'll always come back. Yeah, they'll always come back.
Caught out sleeping around. He says it's nothing with her lipstick on his mouth. And you might think he doesn't care that much at all. But they'll always come back. Yeah, they'll always come back.