Mi Libertad. Mi Historia. FrankieRuiz. . Una colilla de cigarro mas,. Un cenicero que vareventar,. La misma historia triste y sin final,. El mismo cuento de nunca acabar,. Y la carcajada de
Tu Me Vuelves Loco. (Canta Farnke Ruiz). Tu me vuelves loco. Ay no me mires con esos ojos de aventura. No me trates como si fueras diversin. No te muevas de esa manera cuando pasas. Que me
Lola loves Frank, Frankie loves Lola. On their second honeymoon in Pensacola. Tryin' to find a little privacy, oh me. There'd been too much screamin', fussin' and fightin'. The doggies were
Lola loves Frank, Frankie loves Lola. On their second honeymoon in Pensacola. Tryin' to find a little privacy, oh me. There'd been too much screamin', fussin' and fightin'. The doggies were