Well, two bees in a bucket, mother motherfuck it. You either Flavor Flav it or you Chuck Chuck Chuck it. kiss my * or suck a D. I. C. K. stands for kill so don't * with me. I * that
Shocklee - Sadler - Ridenhour. . 1989 the number another summer (get down). Sound of the funky drummer. Music hittin' your heart cause I know you got soul. (Brothers and sisters, hey). Listen if
kick da fliest dope maneuver technicality. To a dope track, you wanna hike git out ya backpack. Um in my flav-mobile cole lampin. I took *** g upstate cole lampin. Ta da poke-a-nose, we call da hide
agony, ask James Cagney. He beat up on a guy when he found he was a fagney. Cagney is a favorite he is my boy. He don't jive around he's a real McCoy. Chuck D yeah, you tellin' Flav we got to let 'em
agony, ask James Cagney. He beat up on a guy when he found he was a fagney. Cagney is a favorite he is my boy. He don't jive around he's a real McCoy. Chuck D yeah, you tellin' Flav we got to let 'em
agony, ask James Cagney. He beat up on a guy when he found he was a fagney. Cagney is a favorite he is my boy. He don't jive around he's a real McCoy. Chuck D yeah, you tellin' Flav we got to let 'em
the moan groan, capon, the clone. The broken bone, tone You've got to get off my back. Get off my back. You've got to get off my back. Get off my back and let me breathe We got the real flavor flav
I didn't died right. I didn't died right {This is Harry Allen hip hop activist and media assassin'. With Flavor Flav, Oh what's the Flavor Flavor} Yo yo yo Gee, guess what happened. To the burned
I didn't died right. I didn't died right {This is Harry Allen hip hop activist and media assassin'. With Flavor Flav, Oh what's the Flavor Flavor} Yo yo yo Gee, guess what happened. To the burned
I didn't died right. I didn't died right {This is Harry Allen hip hop activist and media assassin'. With Flavor Flav, Oh what's the Flavor Flavor} Yo yo yo Gee, guess what happened. To the burned
the evening. Dumb like a cherry flav. Dumb in the morning. Dumb in the evening. Dumb like a cherry flav. Hey it's the weekend. Every day a weekend. Everybody listen up, listen up. Cause here comes the
buy my kids. Motorcycles, candy bars, Peter Paul. Flavor Flave, he ain't mad at all, boyee Poppa's got a brand new flav so once. Again here we go, again here we go. Again here we go, again here we
no explicit *** on TV. Like little Opie eating pie when he made it with Aunt Bea If I were God thou shall not worship false Billy Idols. And thou shall add the Book Of Flavor Flav to the Bible. Thou
. hustle bones comin out my mouth (hustle bones comin out my mouth) that can't wait ta blast. blood stained knuckle brass gives a * sick wit it flav on. that ex con. hard to da bone. darkness from the