those shiny stockings Then came along some chick. With great big stockings too. When you changed your mind about me. Why, I never knew I guess I'll have to find a new, a new kind. A guy who digs my
those shiny stockings Then came along some chick. With great big stockings too. When you changed your mind about me. Why, I never knew I guess I'll have to find a new, a new kind. A guy who digs my
Cigarette holder which wigs me over my shoulder, he digs me. Out cattin' my satin doll. Baby, shall we go out steppin', careful, amigo, you're flippin'. Speaks Latin, my satin doll He's nobody's fo
Cigarette holder which wigs me over my shoulder, he digs me. Out cattin' my satin doll. Baby, shall we go out steppin', careful, amigo, you're flippin'. Speaks Latin, my satin doll He's nobody's fo