Dirk, wie ist die Luft dort oben?. Dirk, wie sieht es von dort oben aus?. Haben sie Dich schon zu Recht gebogen?. Oder hltst Du Dich aus Strategien raus?. Welches System wird bei Euch gespielt
band. Kill the band I was caught dreaming of wealth and. I was taught, was creeping in again They get ahead, you get so mad, why do you care? It's only money. Get out of bed, undo your head, think
Bài hát Con Tim Yếu Đuối - Duy Mạnh, P. M Band. Khi màn đêm xuống anh vẫn chờ em. Mong được gặp em dẫu cho quá muộn. Thôi đừng chờ nữa, gặp để làm chi. Rồi mình gặp nhau chỉ thêm khổ đau. Hỡi người
Alright In the beginning. Not so long ago. There were five country rockers I saw the very first show. And I jumped up with the crowd. To give a standing hand Livin', livin' in the band, yeah. Oh
to tell you poker's his thing. A-booze 'n ladies keep me right. As long as we can make it to the show tonight We're an American band. We're an American band. We're coming to your town, we'll help