. Going where the day sky turns into night. I got the windows special tinted for the stars that get too bright. And I saved you a seat, so let's ride. Hook. Hop into my spaceship coupe. There's only room
. Going where the day sky turns into night. I got the windows special tinted for the stars that get too bright. And I saved you a seat, so let's ride. Hook. Hop into my spaceship coupe. There's only room
Innenstadt. Baby, ich bin dieser Typ (hey, hey). Mittelfinger für die Cops. Rote Ampel, du hast dich verliebt (oh). Refrain. Komm in meinen Baui-Coupé, Baui-Coupé. Baui-Coupé. Komm in meinen Baui-Coupé, Baui
. Going where the day sky turns into night. I got the windows special tinted for the stars that get too bright. And I saved you a seat, so let's ride. Hook. Hop into my spaceship coupe. There's only room
. Going where the day sky turns into night. I got the windows special tinted for the stars that get too bright. And I saved you a seat, so let's ride. Hook. Hop into my spaceship coupe. There's only room