Sonsof the thief, sonsof the saint. Who is the child with no complaint. Sonsof the great or sons unknown. All were children like your own. The same sweet smiles, the same sad tears. The cries
brothers . . Sonsof the gods today we shall die . Open Valhalla's door . Let the battle begin with swords in the wind . Hail Gods of War . . Solo . . Sonsof Odin we for . By the hammer of Thor . Ride
. Confrontations. Impulsive habitat. . *sons begat your cunting daughters. Promiscuous mothers with incestuous fathers. Ingrate souls condemned for all eternity. Obtained by immoral observance a
. Confrontations. Impulsive habitat. . *sons begat your cunting daughters. Promiscuous mothers with incestuous fathers. Ingrate souls condemned for all eternity. Obtained by immoral observance a
. Confrontations. Impulsive habitat. . *sons begat your cunting daughters. Promiscuous mothers with incestuous fathers. Ingrate souls condemned for all eternity. Obtained by immoral observance a
impulsive habitat *sons beget your canting daughters. Promiscuous mothers with your incestuous fathers. Ingrate souls condemned for all eternity. Sustained by immoral observance a domineering deity
Song Thing To Do - The SonsOf Champlin. Listen to me baby. Listen to what I’ve got to say. You keep messin’ with another man. Gonna get it someday. Ain’t the thing to do. Listen to me baby. Listen
something here it's something warm. Something cuts and scars inside tonight. . Sonsof pioneers are hungry men. . Every voice I hear sounds so familiar. Every song I know. Still there's been no change
Song Rooftop - The SonsOf Champlin. I got one thing to say to the Fool on the Hill. You’re gonna feel funny on a rooftop. The man just bought your hill, tomorrow the hammers and the drills. They’re
Song Misery Isn'T Free - The SonsOf Champlin. I think I know what I’m doing but I haven’t been doing it right. It seems like every time I turn around I find myself feeling uptight. But every once in
Song Hello Sunlight - The SonsOf Champlin. Hello sunlight. Come in sunlight. Look into my soul. Before I die I want the sky. To shoot down into me. I’m just lookin’. To be took in. To what I forgot
Song Black And Blue Rainbow - The SonsOf Champlin. Who wants to see. A black and blue rainbow?. Not you or me. But there are things we should know. There’s a reason for everything. And a season for
Song 1982-a - The SonsOf Champlin. Can you feel it coming?. It’s gonna set you back on your heels. It’s gonna sound like humming. And you’ll believe in how good it feels. And we’ll all be making
Song Get High - The SonsOf Champlin. Can you see the sun at midnight in the morning?. Isn’t it bright?. And there is no one who’s giving you the warning. You’ll be all right. Just go ahead and get